About Us

Reviewia exists with one sole mission- High quality, Interview feedback and consistent interview experience for candidates.

On an average an employer interviews 4 candidates to hire for a single position. It is the first and one of the most critical touchpoints in terms of the candidate’s perception of the employer. But there isn’t any platform which provides access to employers to see what candidates are saying about their interview experiences with the company.

In general, candidates go through fairly inconsistent experience during the interview process. Starting from incomplete or non-existent job descriptions, reschedules or cancellation of interviews at short notice, incorrect expectation settings around compensation, lack of proper communication or feedback at the end of the process, employers going silent after multiple rounds of interviews etc. Then are also instances of lack of sensitivity around gender equality, respecting the candidate sufficiently and asking inappropriate personal questions.

Most of these issues are not necessarily due lack of intent from the employers but due to structural gaps in their recruitment process. These have till date remained unaddressed as there hasn’t been a platform for candidates to share their genuine experience without having to worry about their perception or privacy.

Reviewia is the first and only platform where candidates can share interview experiences and Interview feedback while remaining completely anonymous .

These reviews will benefit the fellow job seekers as well as the employers. The job seekers would get a real time account of what to expect during the interview process with a particular employer.

For the employers, candid feedback will be very useful for the organizations to improve their hiring practices and in turn significantly improve their candidate experience which has a direct impact on employer branding.

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